Vegetable Broth from scraps

Started by EmBee, Oct 13, 2023, 10:27 AM

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I did dishes as a young'n in commercial kitchen with my mom ... gravy and soup stock comes from same pot.  A strainer boils in the top of the pot, and all trim and ends from veggies, meat etc ... hit the top of the pot.

Same happened at home (10 kids in the family) ... the scale size of the pots differed .. but the process is the same. 

of course, there were times when certain broths (beef, turkey or chicken) were deliberately isolated, for certain recipes / gravies.

Vegetable broth can easily be made from veg scraps, such as onion ends, carrot peelings, celery ends, so on so forth you get the idea. Anything that you would normally chuck in the garbage or compost can be turned into a healthy broth.

Save all those odds and ends until you have enough to make a batch of broth, usually enough to make a few liter jars. One of the easiest ways to make the veg broth is throw all the scraps in a crock pot, top up with water and cook on low for several hours or overnight. Done!

You can either freeze the broth or pressure can it.