Jason VanderWier shares some Interviews while waiting for the Judge...

Started by rAiLrOaDeD, Feb 14, 2024, 03:18 PM

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Quote from: Earthling on May 06, 2024, 06:00 AMNow passing on remainder sounds just. 
This was back in February.   🤍

Now passing on remainder sounds just.  

Quote from: Earthling on Feb 15, 2024, 05:05 AMCan't support Rebel. Ezra is a liar and still won't show where he put all the convoy cash.
I dont support Rebel NOR encourage it either.  I shared the information because it is simply a piece of the story.

For those interested in helping Jason VanderWier with his legal battle he has DISCLOSED it cost him 21 k for legal fees. 
A give send go was established for him months ago and the only one that existed until Rebel and This other fella interviewed him and started encouraging people to donate in another direction.
THIS givesendgo for JASON VanderWier is verified (through Jason personally) and is a safe donation site.
He has stated that any money above the 21 k that he might recieve will be passed on to the next Freedom Fighter that needs support.

Can't support Rebel. Ezra is a liar and still won't show where he put all the convoy cash. 

The guy that interviewed Mr VanderWier is trying to help he said... 
I said there should only ever be ONE FUND.THe Fund on givesendgo for Jason has been VERIFIED to be going to HIM.He said Lawyers fees are around 21 k and He is going to donate anything beyond his needs to the next guy in line that needs some help... 
To ensure transparency of this I will share the verified givesendgo and encourage others to stay with the fund that is publicly announcing the donations received.  

Thank You from Jay (Jason) VanderWier

fundingthefight (didnt know of this channel till now) funding is now directed here?  
Why not the givesendgo that Had Jasons Name on it?
I have questions.  Waiting for answers.
Copy from Rumble:
Canadian Truck Convoy participant Jay Vanderwier just finished a week-long court session where he fought criminal charges given to him after his peaceful participation in the Ottawa Freedom Convoy. The verdict will be delivered in March. <dono link removed> 

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